Darién, another challenge for Panama in XXI century

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Silvia Balanza


Thanks to the Panama Canal, the city can prove he can handle it and join the development. This channel is a great way trade that has given international clout and political stability to Panamanians, Nicaraguans, Salvadorans and Colombians. This peak wals the tightrope because of the war in Colombia, which hurts, especially to a small region called Damian, who, in contrast with Panama, the financial and trading place, is extremely poor, underdeveloped and is completely isolated. To prevent one of the world's lungs, the development generated by the channel and the region suffer severe damage from Damien that would expand for the rest of the countries, the media should play an important role and  Spreads what news is happening and the injustices being committed.


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How to Cite
Balanza, Silvia. 2005. “Darién, another challenge for Panama in XXI century”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 7 (March):12-20. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2001.7.12-20.
Author Biography

Silvia Balanza, Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad de Navarra (España). Profesora en la Universidad de Panamá. (Panamá). Periodista en El Universal de Panamá.

Licenciada en Periodismo por la Universidad de Navarra (España). Presentadora y directora de programa en Canal 4 Navarra (Localia) (España). Reportera del Canal Internacional en Antena 3 (España). Redactora en El Universal de Panamá.