Statute of Radio and Television to the breakup of monopoly: a look at the television landscape of the 90
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Spanish television was inaugurated in Madrid on October 19, 1956, in a climate of secrecy political, economic and cultural characteristic of the Franco dictatorship. The request for a television of their own by the different nationalities was constant during the years of political transition. The general reference to cover such a request was Article 20 of the constitution. In paragraph 3, states that "the law shall regulate the organization and parliamentary control of the media that depend on the state or any public entity, and ensure access to these means by significant social and political groups , respecting the pluralism of society and the various languages of Spain. "In addition, the statute itself provided for the granting of RTVE a third channel managed by each region. Private Television Act was adopted on March 14, 1988. The television was defined as a public service.
This legislation made it possible for privately held corporations have no place in the management of the service. La law limited to three the number of concessions, saying estimates of economic viability and technical requirements or limitations, as well as the public interest. The fragmentation of the audience gained a new momentum in 1990 with the introduction of the first three private television channels, Antena 3, Tele 5 and Canal Plus. The best barometer of the situation was Spanish TV, which saw its average audience for its programs widely accepted by 50%, in recent years of monopoly, 30%-final months of 1990 and first increase 1991.El number of television channels and broadcasting hours did not mean, however, a significant increase in television consumption.
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