Melodrama as film genre

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Graciela Padilla Castillo


This article will try to reel off the common characteristics of a major film genre: melodrama. Often tends to confuse or mix with other genres. But it really has its own signs and a long tradition throughout the cinema, literature and even music history. In Baroque Italy or in the coming years of the French Revolution, there was talk of melodrama as a theatrical piece. The concept is referred to works in the spoken parts were combined with musical parts. The arrival of new audiences in the nineteenth century, produced a semantic change that much closer to the actual meaning, because the term melodrama going to cover all popular dramas written in prose, with sensational or melodramatic plot and full of novelistic dyes. These dramas always tried similar themes, with a confrontation between good and evil, a happy ending, and very stereotypical characters.


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How to Cite
Padilla Castillo, Graciela. 2005. “Melodrama as film genre”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 9 (November):92-112.
Author Biography

Graciela Padilla Castillo, Universidad Complutense, Madrid

Titular interina. Ciencias de la Información. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


AGUILAR, Carlos (1992): Guía del vídeo-cine. Cátedra. Madrid.

CALDEVILLA DOMÍNGUEZ, David (2000): El estilema de autor en Steven Spielberg. Tesis doctoral. Universidad Complutense. Madrid.


Películas analizadas para el estudio:

-Breve encuentro (Brief encounter, 1945, de David Lean). Datos técnicos disponibles en:

-Escrito sobre el viento (Written on the wind, 1956, de Douglas Sirk). Datos técnicos disponibles en:

-La buena estrella (1997, de Ricardo Franco). Datos técnicos disponibles en:

-La fuerza del cariño (Terms of Endearment, 1983, de James L. Brooks). Datos técnicos disponibles en:

-La vida es bella (La vita è bella, 1997, de Roberto Benigni). Datos técnicos disponibles en:

-Philadelphia (1993, de Jonathan Demme). Datos técnicos disponibles en:

-Quédate a mi lado (Stepmom, 1998, de Chris Columbus). Datos técnicos disponibles en:

-Todo sobre mi madre (1999, de Pedro Almodóvar). Datos técnicos disponibles en: