Society section en tv news

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Manuel Gutiérrez Viar


In the media, the sections are not as defined as in newspapers, therefore, Society is a ragbag with many diverse topics but mainly events or incidents: assassinations, arrests, drug trafficking, child abuse, accidents, fires, natural disasters .... But also health, education or environment, whether it is true that the former dominate over the second, this is why the professionals called “Dirt” (in spanish, both words are very similar: Sociedad/Suciedad), in a clear allusion a battery of morbid events that deals. 



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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Viar, Manuel. 2005. “Society section en tv news”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 9 (November):82-91.
Author Biography

Manuel Gutiérrez Viar, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Licenciado en Periodismo y Doctorando en Audiovisual. Ha trabajado en televisión y prensa. Actualmente, imparte cursos en CG, un centro especializado en la formación integral en las áreas de la comunicación.


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