The kind question and the human rights in venezuela. Case: public policies in control of birthrate

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María Elena Del Valle de Villalba


The present article presents a set of reflections concerning the public applied policies of a formal and informal way in Venezuela in relation to the control of the birthrate. Specifically there develop in this article the options that the Venezuelan woman has to avoid a not wished pregnancy, the paper of the sexual education in the Venezuelan education and the alternatives to which one sees obliged to resort in case of to remain a pregnant woman. The article is organized in the following sections: the woman rights in the constitution, legal bases, paper of the sexual education in the in force curriculum, options to which the Venezuelan woman can resort in case of experiencing a not wished pregnancy and finally some reflections and recommendations.


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How to Cite
Del Valle de Villalba, María Elena. 2005. “The kind question and the human rights in venezuela. Case: public policies in control of birthrate”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 9 (November):65-81.
Author Biography

María Elena Del Valle de Villalba, Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas

Nacida en Caracas, Venezuela, graduada de Profesora en la Universidad Pedagógica Libertador en el año 1992, con especialización en Historia Económica y Social de Venezuela en la Universidad Santa María, con Maestría en Historia Económica y Social de Venezuela, tesis con mención publicación y suma cum laude,  Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación en el Pedagógico de Caracas (2010).


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