Reflections about Education in contemporary society

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Beatriz Peña Acuña


It is within the EU primal desire that any improvement in Education and training contributes to strengthening growth and competitiveness of Europe as Latinamerica notes U.S. and Europe. In the old continent is highlighted repeatedly the need to go beyond the purely economic aspects of development, but to consider the individual's personal fulfillment as one of the key objectives of education and training. It is also worth noting that one of the factors underlining this future European continental conjunction is precisely the variable of multiculturalism.

We want to highlight the proposed EU educations aspects as deserving their attention to quality, multicultural disadvantaged status, the promotion of intercultural understanding through the language and the actual development of international projects such as for example, Erasmus.  

In addition, the paper discusses the scope of this project to the multicultural environment and in effect extends to the fields of culture, education, training and leisure sectors of the project. This has radically changed the conditions of access to knowledge or acquisition of it, and therefore contributes to economic growth, business development and employment, and enhancing the professional, social and cultural as well as the creativity and potential economic and social development of digital content.

The brief survey of convenience and practical problems in social, with all its pros and cons, the Spanish educational context which, incidentally, have more practice since he started these projects and a new mindset around the educational and social phenomenon that causes the multicultural coexistence.


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How to Cite
Peña Acuña, Beatriz. 2005. “Reflections about Education in contemporary society”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 10 (November):53-74.
Author Biography

Beatriz Peña Acuña, Universidad Católica San Antonio, Murcia

Ha cursado estudios interdisciplinares de Filología Española, Estudios Humanísticos y Periodismo. Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado en la Universidad de Alicante. Está habilitada como profesor contratado doctor y Universidad Privada por ANECA. Es directora del grupo de investigación internacional e interdisciplinar llamado “Desarrollo personal”  en  la UCAM. Actualmente imparte clases en UCAM en Grados de Magisterio y “Dirección de comunicación y habilidades directivas” en ADE. Imparte también clases a dos Másters y en inglés a Posgrado.  Actualmente dirige la colección “Desarrollo Personal” en la editorial Vision Libros. Ha publicado varios libros y artículos en revistas de impacto nacionales e internacionales.


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