An analysis of Steven Spielberg’s screen adaptation of Schindler’s list

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José Díaz-Cuesta


This journal article deals with the problem of Steven Spielberg’s screen adaptation of Thomas Kenally’s novel Schindler’s List, originally published as Schindler’s Ark in 1982. Firstly we focus on Herbert Steinhouse’s journalistic account of the story, published in 1995, but supposedly written more than thirty years before. Steinhouse’s account centres around Oskar Schindler, without mentioning Amon Goeth: he does tell how Schindler influenced on the killing of the local SS commander. Keneally’s story is not based on Steinhouse’s account, but on what is orally told to him firstly by Leopold Page (previously known as Pfefferberg) and then by other survivors he interviews. Spielberg departs from Keneally’s novel, which is complemented by other oral accounts from witnesses of the dramatic events that are told. Although the film includes some fictitious elements —especially near its end—, it does manage to faithfully retell Keneally’s novel, whose main structure coincides with Steinhouse’s account.


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How to Cite
Díaz-Cuesta, José. 2005. “An analysis of Steven Spielberg’s screen adaptation of Schindler’s list”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 10 (November):30-52.
Author Biography

José Díaz-Cuesta, CILAP, Universidad de La Rioja

Profesor Contratado Doctor del área de Filología Inglesa en la Universidad de La Rioja (España), y Responsable de la Unidad de Audiovisuales de la Facultad de Letras y de la Educación de esta institución. Su investigación se centra en el estudio de las representaciones de masculinidades en textos literarios y fílmicos de autores anglo-norteamericanos, así como en las relaciones que se establecen entre ambos tipos de textos. Es autor de la monografía Hombres de Steven Spielberg (2010), y ha editado, junto con Paula Requeijo Rey, el libro Innovar en el EEES a través de la investigación (2012).


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