Treatment of the nationalistic topic in the electoral campaign of march 2004 from ‘El País’ and ‘ABC’

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Olga Pérez Arroyo


In this article there are reflected the representatives opinions of different political and social estates across several articles of opinion about the nacionalistic topic the elections to the government of the nation in 2004. The material gathered as sample corresponds to this period, which took the massacre as an ingredient adiccional of March 11 in Madrid and which information in the mass media was contradictory. They are two visions that correspond to two of the most important diaries of this country which articles have been written by occasional collaborators who are not professional journalists.


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How to Cite
Pérez Arroyo, Olga. 2008. “Treatment of the nationalistic topic in the electoral campaign of march 2004 from ‘El País’ and ‘ABC’”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 15 (March):74-94.
Author Biography

Olga Pérez Arroyo, Profesora de la Facultad de CC.II. de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesora de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en el Departamento de Periodismo I. Analista en mensajes periodísticos. Coloboradora en diversos medios de comunicación españoles. Primera tesis doctoral sobre periodismo taurino y fundadora del curso sobre periodismo taurino. Ha publicado varios libros dedicados a la crónica taurina, a los géneros periodísticos y una biografía de la Condesa de Barcelona titulado “Palco Real. Doña María de las Mercedes”.