Political communication in times of crisis. Analysis in spanish press of the 16 th Congress of the PP and the 37th Congress of the PSOE in summer 2008

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Fátima Martínez Gutiérrez


This brief study analyze two conferences: the 16th National Congress of the PP and the 37th Congress of the PSOE Federal, developed during the months of June and July 2008 respectively. This work attempts to answer some questions of interest: first, what political means holding a conference, and secondly, in what context they occur, what strategies emanating from both calls and with what results. Because they are political events mediated, ie that can be known only by the spread of mass media, the author finds interesting study contrasting approaches of the conference in three of the most significant day of national circulation and international renown such as the ABC, El Mundo and El Pais. Thus, it is to investigate how the political, social and economic influences in the image among the general public and government opposition, a perception that is based on the coverage of the media as intermediaries between society and political power.


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How to Cite
Martínez Gutiérrez, Fátima. 2008. “Political communication in times of crisis. Analysis in spanish press of the 16 th Congress of the PP and the 37th Congress of the PSOE in summer 2008”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 15 (March):1-39. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2008.15.1-39.
Author Biography

Fátima Martínez Gutiérrez, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid

Profesora Asociada de la Universidad San Pablo CEU (Madrid). Doctoranda en Periodismo. Becaria de investigación pre-doctoral. Licenciada en Periodismo.


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ABC, Madrid, número 33.791, 23 de junio de 2008.

ABC, Madrid, número 33.802, 4 de julio de 2008.

ABC, Madrid, número 33.805, 7 de julio de 2008.

El País, Madrid, número 11.329, 20 de junio de 2008.

El País, Madrid, número 11.332, 23 de junio de 2008.

El País,Madrid, número 11.343, 4 de julio de 2008

El País, Madrid, número 11.346, 7 de julio de 2008.

El Mundo, Madrid, número 6. 759, 20 de junio de 2008.

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