Eyetracking and usability: Key research in the reading online process

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Fátima Martínez Gutiérrez


This study aims to dispel some of the questions previously raised by the information provided by sources like the Poynter Institute's web site (www.poynterextra.org) on Eyetracking in the U.S., and the work of Guillermo Franco headed Writing for the Web, which details the research carried out by Nielsen. In this line, then specifying some of the conclusions reached on Eyetracking studies conducted in Spain and led by the consultant Alt64, a company specializing in maximizing the profitability of investments in online business, working with the Partnership for Media Research (AIMC).


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How to Cite
Martínez Gutiérrez, Fátima. 2008. “Eyetracking and usability: Key research in the reading online process”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 16 (July):98-114. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2008.16.98-114.
Author Biography

Fátima Martínez Gutiérrez, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid

Profesora Asociada de la Universidad San Pablo CEU (Madrid). Doctoranda en Periodismo. Becaria de investigación pre-doctoral. Licenciada en Periodismo.


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