Marketing in tourism business: Analysis of demand in tourism meeting

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Juana Aguilar Sánchez


This study is descriptive in nature and seeks to analyze the main factors influencing tourism demand Meetings called by both its importance nationally and internationally, as well as highlighting the need to adapt to a market, basic economics some countries, including Spain, increasingly specialized and highly promising prospects in the global economic framework.

The Meeting Tourism represents about 20% of international arrivals and is characterized by steady growth, showing high profitability and contribution to the development of related sectors. To analyze the nature of his claim, one must go back to its roots and origin of the tourism industry in general, and to establish the conceptual framework of this modality.


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How to Cite
Aguilar Sánchez, Juana. 2008. “Marketing in tourism business: Analysis of demand in tourism meeting”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 17 (November):97-125.
Author Biography

Juana Aguilar Sánchez, Profesora Universidad Camilo José Cela. Madrid

Licenciada en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Actualmente, investigadora en la misma universidad en "Marketing en el turismo de reuniones". Profesora de “Teoría de la publicidad”, “Medios publicitarios”, “Planificación de medios”, “Comunicación corporativa”, “Promoción de ventas” y “Protocolo y organización de eventos” en la Universidad Camilo José Cela.


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