A case study: columbus day and regulations of the castilian
Main Article Content
To begin, this article is to provide a historical retrospective Geographic Aranas, a Mexican city.
Second, the methodological approach of case study serves as a benchmark, albeit restricted, to know how practical a local newspaper celebrates Columbus Day. The synchronic linguistic study at this stage shows the diachronic level language and shows the evolution of language over the Castilian rule. This will take into account the stage of the official Castilian in Mexico.
Also as a methodology it is performed historical research about the events planned Columbus Day that day in the capital and who are supposed to be distributed by local newspapers.
In particular, we analyze four sections of the paper from a linguistic point about the use of Castilian, and also taking into account the impact through the Columbus Day analyzed from a linguistic point of view and also for journalistic treatment. The sections that will be studied are: International Section (UN), National Section (Mexico), Section Local Section and Announcements.
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Enciclopedia libre universal
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