Pedro Almodovar and the female universe analyzed through its film posters

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María Tabuenca Bengoa


From his first film Pedro Almodovar allows the characters are vehicles of transmission of ideas through the situations they represent the filmmaker acknowledges that the protagonists of the stories he tells are still his best means of expression. Therefore, that for more than thirty year career has been opted for dumping the bulk of the narrative charge of his creations on female figures.

Through analysis of the posters of those films where the figurative element is dominant or women and whose title refers directly to them, is to show the deep reflections of the director about the world around him and his vision for the female gender. Just as the constant attempts to parody the traditional iconography, show us the certainty that the director is in love with women, whatever their condition, social status or age.


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How to Cite
Tabuenca Bengoa, María. 2008. “Pedro Almodovar and the female universe analyzed through its film posters”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 17 (November):1-16.
Author Biography

María Tabuenca Bengoa, Profesora Doctora. Universidad CEU. Madrid

María Tabuenca Bengoa es Profesora Colaboradora Doctora en la Universidad CEU San Pablo de Madrid, donde realiza labores de docencia e investigación dependientes del Departamento de Diseño y Nuevas Tecnologías. Así mismo, pertenece al grupo de investigación emergente ICOIDI (Comunicación a través de la imagen y el diseño gráfico)


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