Oh the images! The conflict byzantine iconoclast

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María Magdalena Ziegler Delgado


The controversy brings over of the religious images and of his nature in the bosom of the Christianity it untied the most virulent spirits between whom they were supporting his use and who were renouncing this one. The most many-colored opinions were presented in a context of fight not only verbal and psychological, but also armed. The emphasis of this study will be in the review of the plot theological fight about one of the most famous conflicts iconoclasts of the history. There will be presented the arguments of both parts and the scopes will be analyzed of each one in his theological sense. The course of the conflict will be reconstructed up to coming to his solution, finally to present the consequences that this would be brought for the development of the religious art by western and oriental Christian.


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How to Cite
Ziegler Delgado, María Magdalena. 2009. “Oh the images! The conflict byzantine iconoclast”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 18 (March):31-78. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2009.18.31-78.
Author Biography

María Magdalena Ziegler Delgado, Universidad Metropolitana. Caracas.

Licenciada en Artes (mención Artes Plásticas) de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (1993); Especialista en Historia y Teoría de las Artes Plásticas (UCV, 2001) con cursos de ampliación en Teología cristiana (ITER, 2005-2009); Magister en Historia de las Américas (Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (2004); actualmente doctorando en Historia en la Ucab. Artículos publicados en las Revistas Cuadernos Unimetanos y Anales (Unimet). Coordinadora de Artes para el Departamento de Didáctica y Humanidades de la Unimet.


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