Looks to the analysis of four myths venezuelan perspective Levi-Strauss's the raw and the cooked

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Jenny Nohemí Fraile Velásquez


This article presents a look of four myths about the origin of the fire of four Venezuelan ethnic groups in the light of what was proposed by Lévi-Strauss in The Raw and the Cooked. This is a documentary research and content analysis whose overall objective was to analyze myths Venezuelan ethnic groups using the method proposed by Levi-Strauss and then comparer with some myths Brazilian anthropologist presetnados this Mythologies I. After the analysis and comparison was reached, among others, to the following conclusions: (a) are seen more or less the same elements and characters in the myths of Venezuelan ethnic groups that are present in the myths of Brazilian ethnic groups, (b ) when a female character who holds the secret of fire usually does inside your body, whereas if a male character as the knower of the fire is kept out of your body, (c) in all myths who disclose knowledge of fire after stealing it does, stolen, always using trickery or deceit.


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How to Cite
Fraile Velásquez, J. N. (2013). Looks to the analysis of four myths venezuelan perspective Levi-Strauss’s the raw and the cooked. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, (31), 88–114. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2013.31.88-114
Author Biography

Jenny Nohemí Fraile Velásquez, UPEL-Instituto Pedagógico de Miranda José Manuel Siso Martínez. Caracas

Jenny Fraile, es egresada del Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas como profesora en Educación Integral, es Especialista en Gerencia Educativa de la Universidad Santa María. Ha realizado estudios de ampliación en el área de lingüística en Universidad Central de Venezuela y culminó en el Pedagógico de Caracas la carga académica de la Maestría en Lingüística. En la actualidad es Doctorando en el Doctorado de Cultura Latinoamericana y Caribeña, en el Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. 


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