Communication management in the 21ST century society: “a subtile tool under suspicion”

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Javier Díez Medrano


Communication Management involves a hard to understand social commitment at the beginning of the XXI Century as it may bring back dignity to the “Globalization” concept, a concept wrongly used for some actors whose intentions were oriented to gain political, economical or social influence and power over society, in an opposite direction to the original that was pretended by the purest globalization movement. The current reflexion expresses how the different closest actors to Power play in order to control communication and information. They are actors living in post materialist societies and running in a contradictory way for the pre industrial societies expectances and hopes.


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How to Cite
Díez Medrano, Javier. 2010. “Communication management in the 21ST century society: ‘a subtile tool under suspicion’”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 22 (July):1-15.
Author Biography

Javier Díez Medrano, Universidad Europea de Madrid/Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctor en Ciencias de la Información por la UCM, Madrid. Profesor de: Gestión Estratégica de las Relaciones Públicas, UEM. Profesor de Comunicación corporativa e Identidad Corporativa, UEM. Profesor de Procesos de trabajo en Agencias de Publicidad, UEM. Coordinador de Titulaciones de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas. Universidad Europea de Madrid, 28230 Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid. Director general de la consultora J.D. Comunicación, 28020 Madrid


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