Jane Austen: Advocate for Female Education

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Laura Campiglia


Jane Austen was an English author from the 19th century, whose writings are studied and read globally.  However, it is usually forgotten that she advocated female education. This analysis´s goal is to emphasize in this matter of the author´s literature. Arguments that prove her advocate for female education were found by investigating other authors with the same opinion regarding her feminism and by the extraction of examples found in her novels.


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How to Cite
Campiglia, Laura. 2013. “Jane Austen: Advocate for Female Education”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 30 (March):149-57. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2013.30.149-157.
Author Biography

Laura Campiglia, Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas

Tesista de Estudios Liberales y Diplomado en Estudios Internacionales en la Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas, Venezuela. Bachiller en Ciencias del Colegio Humboldt de Caracas, Venezuela. Miembro del Modelo de las Naciones Unidas del Colegio Humboldt desde 2007 hasta el 2009. Pasante de la Embajada de Alemania en Caracas en el año 2009. Becaria con la Matrícula de Desempeño de la Universidad Metropolitana desde 2013. Con conocimientos de Inglés y Alemán.


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