Chile 27 F and Fukushima: Communication media, earthquakes and tsunamis: the cases of Chile and Japan

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Rubén Gómez Quezada


The years 2010 and 2011 will be difficult to forget in Chile as well as in Japan.  The reason is, the tragedy brought about by two great earthquakes and two devastating tsunamies caused thousand deads, disappeareds, huge damages and  most awfully, an invironment of political and civic hopelessness, mistrust, uncertainty and doubts on the communicative management in both catastrophes.  In this essay facts are remembered, the main mistatements are warned on the communicational management, information control together with a reflection on what we can do to cope with these nature catastrophes in a better way. Fukushima and Chernobeil, earthquakes, tsunamis and the climatic change signal that it is time to change the paradigms in the management of communicational crisis. It is also time and need  of a new effort, generous, informed and joint acting to overcome the difficulties.


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How to Cite
Gómez Quezada, Rubén. 2011. “Chile 27 F and Fukushima: Communication media, earthquakes and tsunamis: the cases of Chile and Japan”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 26 (November):50-61.
Author Biography

Rubén Gómez Quezada, Universidad Católica del Norte

Rubén Gómez Quezada, profesor de la Escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile. Director de la Revista de Comunicaciones, Periodismo y Ciencias Sociales Tercer Milenio ( Magister en Comunicación Social por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile con mención en Edición y Dirección Periodística. Dicta cursos de periodismo de interpretación, opinión y narrativa periodística. Realiza investigación en Historia y Medios de Comunicación. Coautor del libro 50 años de la Historia de Chile: Vistos a través de la Revista Mensaje Tomo I (2008); Tomo II (2011)