Eleonora Gabaldon’s la hora de los secretos: an approach to the gender discourse

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María Elena Del Valle de Villalba
Nancy Elena Mejías-Briceño


This paper presents an analysis of the discourse on the real and ideal stereotypes about gender constructs Eleonora Gabaldon's novel El tiempo de los secretos (The Time of Secrets). The research is embedded within a larger study on the analysis of the discursive production of women in Latin America. Since the completion of content analysis of the novel and discussion groups will analyze the presence of gender stereotypes in the discourse of the author in order to determine to what extent these stereotypes help or hinder the provision of women as social element from the difference and characterize the roles, roles and limitations assigned to it in a particular historical context. This will help us to a concept of gender as internal boundary, as a space for negotiation and / or conflict relations between genders, which can be understood as intercultural relations. The results are tentative and are based on the application of content analysis techniques and conducting focus groups. It is not intended to generalize, but rather to open reflexive and analysis.


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How to Cite
Del Valle de Villalba, María Elena, and Nancy Elena Mejías-Briceño. 2012. “Eleonora Gabaldon’s la hora de los secretos: an approach to the gender discourse”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 27 (March):60-68. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2012.27.60-68.
Author Biography

María Elena Del Valle de Villalba, Universidad Metropolitana de Caracas

Nacida en Caracas, Venezuela, graduada de Profesora en la Universidad Pedagógica Libertador en el año 1992, con especialización en Historia Económica y Social de Venezuela en la Universidad Santa María, con Maestría en Historia Económica y Social de Venezuela, tesis con mención publicación y suma cum laude,  Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación en el Pedagógico de Caracas (2010).


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