Nursing empowering as profession and social object: Case Chihuahua

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Leticia Moriel-Corral
Norma Pizarro
Hilda Hernández-Hernández
Elizabeth Bonilla-Loyo


The empowerment of nurses in the development discipline is a challenge that persisted from the beginning. The objective of this study was to identify the level of awareness and empowerment of nurses working in public and private hospitals in the state of Chihuahua. Methodology: A qualitative study was conducted through technological and methodological package Discussion Groups [GD], which allowed to reflect on the meaning of nursing as a social subject and as a profession. It was a descriptive study, involving four focus groups, two groups of nurses active, and two students of first and last semesters degree. Methodological protocol was designed with its instrument focused on three semantic fields with their detonators. Results: We identified evolution of nursing as a profession achieves high degrees, which demonstrates mastery, competence and professional recognition obtained by government decree. These results were analyzed in three categories: Office, Subordination and social recognition, nurses were positioned, achieved recognition in public hospitals and community level, exercising the role of caregiver, educator and administrator mainly perceived empowered themselves, for their motivation and know about caring despite the political obstacles. Discussion: The nurse must act with individual commitment, as a need to empower the profession to benefit society. Conclusions. Nurses do not explicitly empowering experience, however through their dialogues and discourses relate and identify experiences that correspond to attributes of empowerment.



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Moriel-Corral, Leticia, Norma Pizarro, Hilda Hernández-Hernández, and Elizabeth Bonilla-Loyo. 2012. “Nursing empowering as profession and social object: Case Chihuahua”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 27 (March):30-38.


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