David Cronenberg. “The Fly” or The Return to The Human Thing No-Human

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Noel J. Andrade Gaytán


From the gridiron of cinema, we can analyze the society and their integrants. Supported by the eyes of different filmmakers, we can perceive a fundamental point: how much different is the reality from the otherside of the screen?, is the viewer really sure about his ontologic condition of being? Issues that resound and pant in the film work of a specific director: David Cronenberg, in his filmography and in particular The Fly (Id. 1986) opens us the possibility to make reflections of long encouragement. If we question the notion of the philosophically "me" modern, their lining should also be questioned: their meat. We have tried to analyze the world to such a grade that more than to describe it to acquire a quasi perfectible knowledge, we have put it in the dissection iron to the way of frigid and stark meat.   In a superficial sense it is thought that the New Meat postulates the human victory in the face of the death, like she already peeked Mary Shelley in its tragic Frankenstein; but not, before well, it not only seeks the coalition with all object in the space but with all moment in the time. It is a return to the mythical cronotopo: to their axis mundi.


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How to Cite
Andrade Gaytán, Noel J. 2013. “David Cronenberg. ‘The Fly’ or The Return to The Human Thing No-Human”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 30 (March):121-31. https://doi.org/10.15198/seeci.2013.30.121-131.
Author Biography

Noel J. Andrade Gaytán, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas

Egresó de la licenciatura en Filosofía en la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas el año del 2006, con los trabajos de titulación referentes a la noción de existencia en Sartre y el asesinato visto como obra de arte apoyado en la obra de Arthur C. Danto. Llevando su interés hacia el derrotero del arte que cuestiona tanto los organismos como la naturaleza del ser humano. Ha asistido a diferentes congresos, talleres y diplomados de arte, para enfocar su trabajo académico a la esfera del cine. En particular, al trabajo fílmico de David Cronenberg. Y es actualmente que está por defender su tesis de maestría, referente a este tema: Cronenberg. M. Butterfly o la identidad descarnada. Además desde el 2008 imparte clases en el área de Ciencias Sociales en el CSE y en el área de Comunicación e Investigación en la UVC desde el 2011.


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