Profiles and characters: evolution of the representation of the user in social networks and role-playing games

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Manuel Hernández Pérez


Role-playing games -along with social networks- have become the most popular leisure activity online. This paper locates the origin of these web platforms in the digital evolution of collaborative narratives and role-playing games. In order to do so, it studies the evolution of the role-playing game through its different digital adaptations and presents the evolution of other narrative forms through the introduction of hypertext. To end up, it analyzes the image projected by the user in these narratives, where a social network profile is considered as a character itself.



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How to Cite
Hernández Pérez, Manuel. 2012. “Profiles and characters: evolution of the representation of the user in social networks and role-playing games”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 28 (July):30-48.
Author Biography

Manuel Hernández Pérez, Universidad de Murcia

Licenciado en Psicología (2004) y Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas por la Universidad de Murcia (2006). Tras la realización de un DEA en Neurociencias en esta misma institución, compatibiliza su actividad profesional en Comunicación Institucional con investigaciones en el área de la Publicidad y nuevos formatos audiovisuales. Actualmente realiza su trabajo de tesis, centrada en modelos de análisis para el estudio de la narrativa transmedial.


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