Impact of CIT and 2.0: Consequences for the Communications Sector

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David Caldevilla Domínguez


The ‘social network phenomenon’ has radically changed our perception of social relationships, and the way we invest our free time (Caldevilla, 2010). Recent studies show this tendency will not stop, and also that those socializer networks are a tool in vital areas such as job-search (Linkedin, Xing, Viadeo), keep relationship with friends and even practice journalism at a Street level (Campos Freire, 2008).

We'll also see documents that warn about new risks (Bautista Sancho, 2013, p. 11): being the most important the loose of privacy, internet addiction, lose of productivity, professional infiltration...

Our Hypothesis focuses the effects of 2.0 in the new communications formula of the XXI century, that abolish the former one by over-exposure.


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How to Cite
Caldevilla Domínguez, David. 2014. “Impact of CIT and 2.0: Consequences for the Communications Sector”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 35 (November):106-27.