Functions of the Media in the Life of an Elderly

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Mencía de Garcillán López- Rúa
Gema Martínez Navarro


A defining feature of society today is that we find the segment of the population becomes more relevant every day, resulting of behaviors and habits. We also found that among the various daily activities of this segment, people spend much of their time to the media. Older people use media in their daily lives just like the rest of the population and therefore, it is interesting to investigate, first, knowing which media access, what are the fundamental reasons why they use it, how they use them and the benefits that such use gives them among which we find aspects of information, entertainment or socialization. Despite the importance of this issue however, there is little research that exists about it.

This article reviews the role of media in the lives of the elderly in order to ascertain what are the functions of media that they use day to day, what the functions used give them and what are the main reasons that lead them to want to set a daily contact with the media. The study is approached from three different perspectives: the media as a means of socialization, as a means of information and finally, the media as a means of entertainment.


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de Garcillán López- Rúa, Mencía, and Gema Martínez Navarro. 2014. “Functions of the Media in the Life of an Elderly”. Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, no. 35 (November):76-95.


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